Team presentation


MeTAH main concern is to understand foundations and develop techniques for the design, development and use of Technology Enhanced-Learning (TEL) systems. TEL is considered as a proper scientific area (and not only as an application domain of computer-science or education), with its own issues. MeTAH attempts to understand how to take into account the required educational (didactics, pedagogy) and usage dimensions when considering the design of TEL artifacts such as computationally-represented adaptative-learning-scenarios or epistemic and didactic knowledge, TEL systems such as microworlds, intelligent tutors or collaborative environments, or TEL systems’ specific functionalities such as feedback or supervision. Issues are addressed by building on, articulating, meshing and/or developing methods and techniques issued from the computer-science and education disciplines. MeTAH has a strong design and implementation orientation, with experimentation-based re-engineering.

The scientific challenges of the team’s research lie at several levels:

  • Validation: combining quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Dissemination: reconciling theoretical developments and relevant TEL products
  • Multidisciplinarity: combining the problematics of our disciplines

The team’s main research themes are as follows:

  • Innovative learning situations based on digital tools
  • Behavioural modelling of human activity
  • Learner knowledge and metacognitive diagnosis
  • Dynamic tutor assistance for learners and teachers